Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Focus on Faculty.... Spotlight on Kirstie Goodwin

1. What Classroom do you Teach at The School of Scrap .com?

I teach two classes at The School of Scrap-

Shop Class



2. When did you start scrapbooking and how did you get started?

MUAHHHH…I started scrapbooking five years ago when I was pregnant with our first son. I wanted to create my own pregnancy and baby book for our first son. My first scrapping supplies were construction paper (UGHH!), fancy edged scissors (admit it we all have them), and baby cut outs. Needless to say, I don’t “showcase” many of my first layouts. LOL!

3. What do you draw your inspiration from and why?

Everything I see is some sort of inspiration to me. Magazine ads, album art, my son’s drawings, songs on the radio, The Gallery at The School of Scrap (awesome inspiration!) and nature itself. I have been even known to create a layout based upon a bottle of bathroom cleaner. To me, inspiration is all around one just has to open her eyes to find out what truly speaks to her heart and then just let go. Learning to not ask “why” and just allowing something to inspire you is a very freeing experience.

4. Describe your process for Designing a page.

Rats! My process is pretty hectic so here goes. Usually, I go through my photos and find a photo that “speaks” to me. Most of the time, something in the photo will touch either my soul or my funny bone. Next, I figure out what paper would bring out the best qualities in my photo OR what “mood” I am wanting to create for the layout. Then, I figure out what embellishments would or would not look good with my layout. The title and the journaling are the last components of my layout and are often the hardest part of the layout. Throughout the entire design process, nothing on my layout is glued down. That way I can change things and not worry about adhesive until everything looks the way I want it to look.

5. Define your STYLE for us.

BAAHHHH! My most dreaded question…define my style. Basically, I am an equal opportunity scrapper or another word would be eclectic. In general, my style for scrapbooking leans more towards using bold patterned papers, one or multiple photos and accenting the page with fibers, ribbon, brads, button (or any other little doodad that I can find). It has a sense of adventure, while being fresh and funky.

6. What has been your favorite Scrapbook Trend and why?

Geez, this is a hard one. I have so many that I love. Honestly, I love using bold patterned papers and colors. That would be the top favorite trend that I use in majority of my layouts.

7. How long does it take you (on average) to complete your page?

On average, it takes roughly two hours for me to complete a layout from start (deciding what picture(s) to use) to finish (scanning the layout into my computer).

8. Tell us why you Teach the Classroom that you Teach, how did you pick that Class and what draws you to it?

Shop class was a nature fit for me. I love “tinkering” and finding new way to use products. I love learning new techniques to spice a page up and have experimented quite a bit. So, Shop class was born with those elements in mind. In our second quarter, the option of adding Music Inspiration class was given to me. I love using music and songs to inspire my layouts. To me, music brings out passion and emotions that other media just can’t. So, it lends itself naturally to being a source of scrapbooking inspiration.

9. What do you want the Students in your Class to walk away with when they've completed the Assignment?

In Shop class, my main goal is to get the students to think “outside the box” and view ordinary products in a different light. Trying different techniques, tools, or products gives people a chance to “break the mold” and create truly awesome layouts. In Music Inspiration class, my main goal is to incorporate music elements (songs, album art, artists) to produce richer feeling layouts.

10. Who do you look up to in the Scrapbooking Industry?
Ali Edwards, she is so talented and down to earth.

Tell us about your scrapbook space.

MUAHHHH! My scrapbook space is a spare bedroom in our home that I have converted into “Kirstie’s Scrappy Room”. I have a table where I work and a closet full of scrapbook supplies. In the next year, I am hoping to paint the room green and brown (I LOVE that color combination) and add additional accents to make it truly “My” space.

Is there anything else you would like to share with all the students?

Scrapbooking has made me appreciate my family, friends, and life more. I have met some wonderful women due to scrapbooking and made even more friendships. Yes, scrapbooking is about preserving memories and being creative but to me scrapbooking is so much more. The magic of scrapbooking is the sheer fact that there is no “wrong” way or “right” way to scrapbook. No one “scraps” the same way and our layouts never look the same. Each album is as individual as the creative genius that created them. To me, that is truly awesome.


Vanessa C. said...

Great article! You are a great teacker and I adore your LO's!

Unknown said...

Nice to know more about you! I am looking forward to taking your classes!

Heather said...

Love getting to know you better...very fun!

MichelleStrachan said...

You look fantastic, and I really enjoyed reading about you! I love the cool new things I learn from you in Shop Class!