Monday, April 09, 2007

Focus on Faculty... Spotlight on Marci

Focus on Faculty - Marci, Asst Principal

1. What Classroom do you Teach at The School of Scrap .com?

Advanced Math

2. When did you start scrapbooking and how did you get started?

A distant cousin saw how obsessed I was with taking pictures and documenting what they were of and suggested scrapboooking to me when my oldest daughter was about two years old. I politely declined...I already had TWO years of her life neatly in albums, it would be just too overwhelming to re-do all of that! Fast-forward about 7 years and 3 more children and I finally got the bug. I started scrapping in 2000, shortly after the birth of my fourth child. And I had thought I would be behind back in 1993! Oh, well, live and learn!

3. What do you draw your inspiration from and why?

I honestly don't know how to answer this question!
I love color and I love to look at other layouts in online galleries. Sometimes a line from a poem or song inspires me. I love participating in challenges and find that really motivates me to scrap, though I am not sure that is quite the same as inspiration.

4. Describe your process for Designing a page.

Very disorganized! I am not one who can patiently lay out all the elements and move them around and find the perfect place before gluing them down. I tend to have a rough sketch and some photos, and then I choose my paper. Once I am satisfied with the paper and picture placement, down they go! Only then do I play around with embellishments and start dressing it up.

5. Define your STYLE for us.

I have finally come to terms with the idea that I do not really have a defined style. Based on quizzes I have taken the closest I can come to a short answer is "playful and sassy." And that old standby, "eclectic."

6. What has been your favorite Scrapbook Trend and why?

I don't know if it really qualifies as a "trend" but I love the documenting of everyday moments, capturing the "emotion" of a moment rather than an "event." I think it is those everyday moments that most deserve remembering and yet are the easiest to forget.

7. How long does it take you (on average) to complete your page?

I have gotten sooo much faster than I used to be! Given the condition that I am working alone and with relatively little interruption, I would say the average page takes me two hours or less.

8. Tell us why you Teach the Classroom that you Teach, \nhow did you pick that Class and what draws you to it?

I love the Advanced Math class because I get bored easily and this is such a fast-paced class! There are so many different ways I can go with challenges for this class and new things are always going on there!",

9. What do you want the Students in your Class to walk away with when \nthey've completed the Assignment?

I hope they will have been challenged to expand their scrapping horizons a little and try something new, will have completed some projects, and most of all will have had a ton of FUN while doing it!

10. Who do you look up to in the Scrapbooking Industry?

For as addicted as I am to this hobby I have been pretty sheltered from the "industry" side of it. I don't read any scrapping magazines on a regular basis and so, while I am familiar with most of the "big names" and their styles," I don't know that much about how they handle themselves...and that, to me, would be what would make them worth looking up to.

Is there anything else you would like to share with all the students?

I want them to know how honored I am to be a part of their hobby and of The School of Scrap. I hope they all know that I daily learn at least as much from them as they do from me!


MichelleStrachan said...

Loved reading your answers, Marci!

kmmiller said...

I love your class. Thanks for being a great teacher.

Lisa said...

Marci... You are such an amazing lady and I couldn't do it without cha!!!!!!